Our work

We love helping companies exceed expectations.

Know what gets us pumped? Empowering managers and transforming teams. Because when your corporate culture and manager effectiveness improve, it means happier, more productive workdays. For everyone.

How to Effectively Scale Management Practices in Hypergrowth Periods

How We Helped a Global Fintech Corporation Scale Management Practices

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How a Billion-Dollar Company Improved Their Management Bench Strength

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How an Investment Bank Held on to Talent During an Economic Downturn

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Management Consolidation and Scaling Done Right | Inter-Actions Blog

How We Helped a Company Align and Unify 300+ Managers Across the Globe

View Case Study

A few of the great companies
our team members have supported.

Inter-Actions Development Group, its employees, and associates are not associated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by the trademarks listed above.
Emma Thibaudeau

Head of Data Products



“Mark not only tackles the philosophy of management, but he also gets into the day-to-day tactics that drive success. The teachings examine how to make meetings more effective, how to set better goals for your team, and how to communicate important ideas effectively. In addition, the program helped me tailor my management style to my team members’ needs. There wasn’t one aspect of management that we didn’t cover!

Not only is the content wonderful, but Mark himself also brings a fresh and honest perspective to the conversation. He created a welcoming atmosphere where people could be vulnerable and discuss the hard realities that they faced. I’ve never taken a course that so openly addressed the human aspect of management. From the content to the creator, everything in Mark Roth’s management course shines."

Kate Rainey

Project Manager, News Operations
PitchBook Data, Ltd.


"I tried to keep it short, but I could have written pages on this, and honestly, it’s hard to put into words what a difference your program made for me personally and professionally. I can’t thank you enough for that.

Your management fundamentals course was one of the best opportunities I’ve had in my career. I’ve done additional leadership and organizational behavior coursework in my MBA program, but I know I’ve been able to get more out of them because I had the privilege of going through yours before I began business school. I felt so much more capable of engaging with those classes and maximizing what I was able to take away from them."

Michael Briggs

Global Director, Customer Success Development
PitchBook Data, Ltd.

“Training with Mark provided our management team a central language of leadership. We were able to go forward better equipped to communicate as one cross-functional group supporting our teams. His value to people like me as a manager cannot be overstated.”

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